Saturday, January 13, 2007

Happy New Year

Busy New Year!
The New Year has started off rather busy! We always have the routine things like hair cuts, grocery shopping and duties around the house, but we have added a couple of activities. We attended the orientation in order to use the Senior Citizens Center, just down the road about one and one-half mile. It is a beautiful facility, with an indoor swimming pool, weight room, computer room, game room (pool), and a cafeteria. We want to use the swimming pool and weight room (maybe). However, this week has been so busy we haven't made it down ther yet, but next week looks like we might make it.

The Australians Are Taking Over
We have hosted the Job Family all the way from Australia. They are close friends the Fox family, our friends from church. (See the Fox Family blog link.)

The Jobs arrived Tuesday evening and departed this morning on their way to Disney World. We don't understand the attraction to that mouse! They spent most of their waking hours with the Fox family. We had a wonderful time hosting them, the fellowship was a treasure.
Thursday evening they all were here for supper (southern and Australian for dinner). We had homemade chilli and cornbread and Steph Fox brought sticky date pudding. It is wonderful. Strickly an Australian dessert. It's cake like with a caramel sauce over the top with a scoop of ice cream on the side. Yum yum!

Here are a few photos from the week.
The Job Family--left to right
Candice, Sue (Mom), Mark, Rod (Dad), Peter.

We decided if we can beat them, we'll join them.


Anonymous said...

Troyce and Kerry
I will expect to see some outstanding results in your muscles after the gym weight visits now that your wonderful visitors have gone and you have all that time on your hands once again.
Great photos too.....thanks! It doesn't make it any easier after seeing them all again. Pass me another tissue.

David McKenzie said...

Not so much a takeover - more like an Aussie Invasion!