Whee! It's been a busy time for us. It all started last Saturday with the Little Woman's family party. Then dinner with good friends, John and Debbie, the Christmas Eve service at church, and Christmas Day with our Australian friends. I'm including a few photos from our busy week. Hubby cooking the hams on the G
reen Egg, sounds like a book! Both of us at John and Debbie's, our
church service, Steph (Aussie friend) preparing for Christmas Dinner.
We are finally getting some rain, not near enough. We need almost two feet of rain to get us out of this drought. We don't need two feet at once, but we desperately need rain. We got about an inch rain yesterday, and tomorrow we are suppose to get that much or more. When we came out of the movie yesterday it was raining quite hard. We are "National Treasure". Good movie.
It has been a great Christmas season for us. We have enjoyed it, but we are ready for the new year. We have enrolled in Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. It's a 13 week course on how to get out of debt. We're not in debt, but just feel lead to take this course. We are going back to First Place and attempt to get some of the weight off us that we have gained during December. How can you lose weight when you eat an entire box of chocolates in two days!? Not to mention all the goodies from Harry and David's. Actually, the day after Christmas we put all the "good stuff" in the freezer and are now grazing on salads.
Wishing you all a Happy New Year!