Here are some photos of the film crew doing the shoot. A moving van arrived with the lighting and camera equipment. Then the crew arrived. At one time I counted 14 people in the shop. It was an all day affair. They arriv
This crew was a great group of people. They all were kind, courteous, and intense. It was so much fun to watch this group of professionals work getting all the lights and equipment assembled before Dan arrived to do the video. They all knew their jobs and went about doing them with a focus like you have never seen. It took hours to get the lights and cameras set up, to put amber gels over the outside of the windows to make it look like afternoon light for the duration of the shoot and then there was a smoke machine to give it the look they wanted. Shoot, Hubby could have just turned on a saw to give it the look they wanted, because it looked like sawdust was flying around in there. You can see in this photo that the smoke machine had been running. They did move the table saw to the side to make more room for the camera and placed the work bench at an angle.
After the job was complete they packed up all the equipment and we couldn't even tell they had ever been in the shop or around it. All the trash was picked up, all Hubby's tools and equipment was returned to their original location, and we didn't have to move a thing. I loved that.
This is Chick-fil-A country. Hubby has served on jury duty with Truett the founder, we know Dan and his wife from church, we run into Don aka: Bubba, at Wal-Mart, we have seen their entire family at a local barbecue place after a funeral, so these are hometown people. Dan's son and daughter-in-law were in this same place (restaurant) months later and because the BBQ joint didn't take credit or debit cards at that time (now they are high class and do accept the plastic) son and daughter-in-law had to leave and find an ATM to get cash to buy their meal. Truett and his wife still live in the house where they raised their family, which a very modest home. These people are a down-to-earth, loving and kind family.
Chick-fil-A is a privately-o
We LOVE Chick-fil-A. Thanks Dan for such a fun day. You and your film crew are welcomed in our home/shop any day.