He has been volunteering at Stately Oaks in historic Jonesboro, which is mid 1800s era, that required different clothing.
The senior group (olds) at church has asked him to speak at their July luncheon about the Rev War soldier, so he has been studying and gathering facts about Georgia during the Revolution.
We have had period clothing since we started participating in the living history, but seems as though we both have outgrown our clothing. A couple of years ago I made me a new bodice that fits me better, but Hubby desperately needed a new waistcoat that fit.
We have had a pattern forever, but I never had a need, up until now, to pull it out and give it a second thought, since my Mom made his period clothing back in about 1974. After asking me over and ove
I'm not the type that can just create something, I need a pattern with precise instructions. I had the pattern, but not the instructions. When I started this project I didn't have a clue which pieces of fabric needed to be sewn together. Through trial and error, and I mean a lot of errors, I managed to get the waistcoat made. This doesn't compare to all the special projects Hubby has made for me. I just hope he never asks me to make him a new pair of overalls (pants), because I don't think I have the sewing skills to tackle that project.
This is an 18th century waistcoat worn by men during that period. Civilian clothing and military clothing always included this article of clothing under the outer coat.