Well, the dust has almost settled from all the activities surrounding Christmas. The candles have been removed from the front windows, but they are still awaiting to be moved out to the attic for proper storage. Our tiny Christmas tree has to be covered and placed out in the attic as well. Actually, The Little Woman had this tree made for Hubby's Mom while she was in the nursing home. I'm not saying we are ready for the nursing home! We are just recycling the tree. Have you ever noticed the older you get the smaller the Christmas tree seems to get? When we moved into this house 30 years ago (12/22/1976), our first Christmas tree was huge. At that time we could accommodate a huge tree, because we didn't have any furniture in the den. Now, we are wall-to-wall furniture and there really isn't a place for a tree without rearranging the room. We aren't going to start rearranging the furniture after 30 years. Everything is pretty much the same, "some things never change", to quote a dear friend.
I've included a photo of "Tidewater". That's the name of our house, taken from the Tidewater area of Virginia. We love Colonial Williamsburg, so when we built our house we thought it appropriate to name it for the area of Virginia we so love and enjoy.
We are currently working on moving our garden spot. As a result, we have had 14 skinny Virginia pines and one huge pine removed and the stumps ground. This has left us with all these mounds of dirt and holes that have to be filled. Our friend David M. is going to bring over his great tractor and push all the dirt where it needs to be, then all the hard work begins. We have to prepare the soil before planting in the spring, but we want to turn all the bugs and worms up so they will, hopefully find other ground. All the hard work is worth the wonderful yield. Take a look a some of the greenbeans from last year's garden. We have Hubby weighing the pick of the day. We only harvested about 88 lbs. of greenbeans last year. We didn't have enough rain.
Until next time...