Monday, September 17, 2007

Happy Anniversary

Today we have celebrated our 41st wedding anniversary. We were VERY young when we married, because we can't be that old! I'm so very thankful for Hubby and our life together.

We had an appointment at the church for photos for the new church directory. We got to preview them and make the selection for the directory. They were all bad. We didn't like ANY of the poses. I suppose we were too critical, but having had our own photo studio for several years we know what good photographs looks like and they didn't look like it. Afterwards we rode down to Peachtree City and ended up having dinner at Ted's Grill. The bison burger was good, we even had french fries.

Thank you for our wonderful together, I love you. I'm so grateful to the Lord for the godly man he sent me. By the way, he gave me a beautiful BIRTHDAY CARD. The verse was wonderful, it just wished me a "Happy Birthday". It cracked me up. Hubby couldn't believe it was a birthday card. He didn't think it was that funny. I suppose I'll get an anniversay card for my birthday.


Anonymous said...

41 years!!! That's something to celebrate! Happy Anniversary!

Marc and Charity said...

WOW! 41 years, congrats! May God bless the rest!!! :)

June Cutoff Cash said...

That is so wonderful. I'd love to know your secret, if you have one!

My husband does the wrong card thing on purpose. He thinks he's hysterical with this. Sometimes I'll get a card written entirely in Spanish.

You see why I need your longevity secrets? : )

Tee and Hubby said...

June, I think part of our secret might be, we have always worked as a team, pulled in the same direction, not doing our own thing, but working as a team. We have a hard and fast rule, we never spend over $50 without talking over the purchase first, well groceries would be an exception, sometimes days, even weeks. As we have gotten older we ask ourselves, "do we REALLY need this?" We have been discussing a new (used) vehicles for about three years, while our old van has 240,000+ miles on it. So you see we don't get in a hurry to spend. [You are a lady after my own heart. ;-)] Most important, we share the same faith, we both love the Lord.